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Lessons of Motherhood

Lessons of Motherhood

with Little Posy Owner, Helen Pow
Ahead of Mother's Day we asked founder of The Little Posy Co, Helen Pow five questions about her experience of Motherhood. With three boys and just as many businesses, it's a busy but beautiful life.


What has surprised you the most about motherhood?

How three little people can create so much laundry and spill so much milk!

What is something you hope you can pass onto your children?
I'm working to connect with and regulate my emotions. If I can help them do the same, I will feel confident at their abilities to tackle what life throws at them. 

Did you have a vision of who you wanted to be as a mother, has that changed?
I'm a tactile person so I wanted to be loving. It hasn't changed but my idea of what that looks like perhaps has. I see now that being loving sometimes means holding firm boundaries that they may not like, because it's my job to make good decisions for them. That's ok. They don't have to be happy all the time. Their job is to feel their feelings.

What have you learned about yourself since becoming a mother?
How capable I am. Parenting is a non-stop job. Juggling the kids, the mental load of family-life and our three family businesses, The Little Posy Co., Assemby Yard and La Lune, is a lot. 

What is something you feel every mother needs to hear?
Mothering feels hard because it is hard.
Focus on connection and the rest should fall into place.

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